Cookery Clinic


Tuesday, April 11th, 2023, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Need directions here? Click here.

This clinic is being facilatated by Debbie Leach.
For more information about the clinic contact Debbie Leach
For information about registration contact Off Water Clinic Coordinator

Skill Level:

Please only sign up if you have not been to one of these workshops before. If the workshop is not full we will open it up to all members a week before.
Location is James Bay. Specifics to be provided to participants a week before the workshop.
Lynn Baier (Camp Cookery columnist), Elizabeth Purdon and Debbie Leach will share tips about what they bring on kayak trips.
Learn how to plan, buy and dehydrate food; taste a few samples and check out their favourite camp kitchen gear.

There is no cost for this event/clinic

To register for this event/clinic please click here

Please note that registration to this event/clinic:
- requires that paddlers taking part in this clinic/event are required to have PC None or equvialent experience. For information about PC Levels click here
- is limited to SISKA members only.
- is limited to a maximum of 24 participants. . Participation will be confirmed in the order that requests are received.
- a wait list will be kept.