We have made a few changes to our Online Membership Registration.
The biggest noticeable change will be for those who use PayPal. Once you click on the Submit Registration button
instead being taken to a page where you would make a payment selection from a drop down list of options the system will determine what your membership fee should be based on the information you
supplied on the registration form. The page which will display a PayPal button specific to your registration type; Single or Family, Full Year of Half Year (for new members joining after July 01).
When you click on the Submit Registration button the system will do a check and verification of the information you have entered. This may tak a few seconds to complete. If no issues are
encountered you will be taken to the next step of the registration process. If any issues are encountered a message will be displayed at the top of Registration Form outlining what they are. After you
have fixed the issues click on the Submit Registration button and the verification process will be repeated.
While these changes have been tested there is alsways the possibility that something was missed. If you encounter any issues please send an email to membership@siska.ca. Include a description
of the problem along with any error messages that were displayed.