Tour of JRCC CFB Esquimalt


Thursday, January 18th, 2024, 9:15am to 11:30am

This Off Water clinic will take place at:
Cfb Esquimalt
Need directions? Click here.

This Off Water Clinic is being facilitated by Rod Stiebel
For more information about this Off Water Clinic contact Rod Stiebel
For information about registration and/or payment contact Off Water Clinic Coordinator
To register for this Off Water Clinic use the link under Registration below.

We have been able to acquire a tour of the JRCC (Joint Rescue Coordination Center) at CFB Naden, Esquimalt.
This is the command and control centre for all search and rescue operations in BC. This covers land, air and sea, of course. This tour has been offered once before, and is quite popular. If you ever wondered how and who takes care of rescues and more, from kayakers to cruise ships, this is where all the coordination happens. As there is some vetting of club members for security reasons, we will not have a wait list, as they need at least 2 weeks all the names in advance. Also note it is in the AM on a Thursday, there only time we could get. IMPORTANT!! If you do register, I ask you please go to the Paypal URL and pay ASAP, so I can get the list of members attending confirmed and off to the base to be vetted.

The cost of this Off Water Clinicis $15
Note: Refunds for cancellations will be permitted until 2 weeks in advance of a paid workshop, clinic, or course. Within 2 weeks of such an event, refunds for cancellations will only be provided if another member registers and pays for the spot vacated.

Registration for this Off Water Clinic is full.

Please note that participants :
- are required to be current members